Voice of America
did this piece on the Autism Transit Project that was broadcast all over the world.


About Us

Three years ago, in 2022, we had the idea to organize a project for Autism Acceptance Month with the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) where children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) got to make public service announcements throughout the subway system. Many children with ASD exhibit perseverative behaviors around trains. It is not at all unusual for the first full sentences an autistic child utters to be a train announcement.

How you can HELP?

My name is Jonathan Trichter and I run a small network of schools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The Autism Transit Project is still well within its startup status yet has proven the concept and succeeded outside all expectations. Our growth trajectory is steep, and we are therefore perfectly situated to raise money from those who support our efforts, believe in our cause and love children with autism as much as we do!

Recent Stories

The Autism Transit Project has attracted wide media attention from outlets such as The New York Times, NBC Nightly News, Good Morning America, NPR and many others.

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